
Hello Winter

I think we officially has to say goodbye to autumn and "hello winter". I dont know about the rest of the world, but in Denmark are we in the middle of a snowstorm right now - kinda. If you asked me, the season changed overnight. I woke up yesterday morning to the first snowflakes falling outside my window.

I have spend the day inside drinking to many cups of coffee, eating Christmas cookies and getting some homework done. I most say I have been thinking about going outside today - because who doesn't love playing in the snow right? But when it's minus some kind of degrees outside I gotta say "oh hell no". 

Personally winter is my all time favorit season. I love sitting in my bed  looking at the amazing snow landscap outside, drinking a hot drink with a blanket. 

And then of course winter is the perfect excuse to rock all kinds of lip colors. Everything from diva, kushi kiss, candy yumm yumm and morange by Mac. 

Winter Can be stressful with all the christmas shopping and exam nonsense. But seriously if you take away the stress, what's not to love?

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